#castor fett
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bristarlight · 2 months ago
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One final artwork for the year, and the last of my Darkbloom boys...and easily my favorite. Castor <3 I can't wait to put them all together in one big piece! And hopefully...I can do more art next year. I say that every year, but maybe this time.
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cherrybombfangirl · 2 years ago
Saris Tanda-Djarn - OC Intro
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Name (full): Saris Amar Tanda-Djarn
Other names: Small Mando ; Sar' (by Din only)
Fandom/Appears In: Star Wars/The Mandalorian, appears in- The Mandalorian and in the last two episodes of The Book of Boba Fett
Age: [same as Din]
Birthdate: N/A
Zodiac Sign: Taurus/Cancer
Personality: short tempered and kinda has anger issues, very protective of her loved ones, hostile and aggressive until she warms up to you (which takes a while), grumpy lil' shit 90% of the time, stubborn af and if you push her she'll push back harder, holds grudges for a long time
Gender ID: Cis Female, She/Her
Sexuality: PanAce
Hair: Sandy Blonde and a little naturally curly, usually in a braid and tucked in her helmet
Eyes: Mix of green and brown
Skin: Kind of a medium tan
Faceclaim: Natalie Paris (maybe, I’m still on the fence about it)
Identifying Features: Lots of battle scars where there are gaps in her armor and superficial ones where she's hit her head inside her helmet, biggest one is the wide and jagged one across her back from a job that went sideways ; a birthmark on her shoulder that looks like a brown stain
Combat skills: combat and battle training- hand to hand combat, blaster training, well versed in multiple kinds of weapons, rising-phoenix training (after the S1 finale) ; very strong so in battle she's usually the tank/powerhouse
Supernatural abilities: None
Disabilities: Not explicit but I accidentally coded her with an anxiety disorder after the events of Season 2 and I like it so I'm gonna leave it that way
Saris comes from a long line of Mandalorians, the Tanda Clan has been in the creed for generations, and she has ten very protective brothers- five older, five younger (five of them are adopted foundlings).
She lived on a fiery volcanic planet in the Mandalore system with her family until she was 10 years old- when her parents trying to defend the village they lived in were killed by force users (unknown if they were Sith, Jedi, or something else). She and her brothers managed to escape to Nevarro, where they met and joined the covert there- which is also where Saris met 10 year old Din. They became friends, and by the time they were 17 and 18 they’d fallen in love. The night before they were to swear into the creed, they promised that they would wait for each other and get married as soon as they were old enough (20 yrs).
For the next few years, they teamed up for most Guild jobs, becoming a team to be reckoned with until they were known in the Bounty Hunting business as a unit and unstoppable team. Then they were married/took on the riddurok and have been a legendary bounty hunting team since.
Relationships: Din Djarn (riddur, love of her life), Grogu Djarn (son, adopted), Danthew "Danny" Djarn (son); Danthew, Alexson, Jakevi, Talecus, Lezson, Maxden, Castor, Aries, Draco, and Gaben Tanda (brothers, four of them adopted Foundlings), Cara Dune (close friend), Greef Karga (friend), Boba Fett (friend and ally), Fennec Shand (friend and ally), Ahsoka Tano (ally), Bo-Katan Kryze (frenemy and sort of ally)
Aliases: Mandalorian, Bounty Hunter, Small Mando
Additional Notes/Facts:
Saris can and will punch a bitch
fuckin jacked under all that armor and the flight suit, girl can and has picked up Din and carried him all by herself (and while she’s in her third trimester too)
her build is short (she only comes up to Din's shoulder) and round but she uses it to her advantage and is very strong. she can carry a lot of weight as has a lot of power behind her hits in battle
Does not like admitting or showing weakness, Din is pretty much the only person she trusts to see her vulnerable
most protective momma bear in the galaxy, she loves her boys and if anyone touches them she will break every bone in their body
Really aggressive and hostile, especially if she can’t predict or trust the situation
in combat Mando is usually the sharpshooter/stealth fighter and she’s the tank
Will fite you and win, would win a fist fight with god
Make no mistake, Din and Saris are equals and an unstoppable team, but they are also their own people and can be their own characters outside of each other
Saris pretends to hate how overprotective her brothers are, but she secretly loves it
She also pretends that Din's over protectiveness while she's pregnant with Danny is annoying, but she secretly thinks he's really cute when he's protective of her
Out of all her brothers her oldest brother Danthew is her favorite
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Fanfic: Skyfall (Coming soon to Ao3)
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a-prekliatyvlk · 3 years ago
❝ that big smile of yours lets you get away with anything. ❞ ( lysandra / castor )
                 Boba Fett Starters || Semi-Accepting
He was going to grin at her. To show off those pearly whites he knew would start to get her to melt to him. Only he simply shrugged at her, finger's pulling down the sleeves of his jacket.
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"Only to beautiful women who are goddess's." This time he did flash a smile to her. One that spread wide and popped a dimple in one of his cheeks.
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schmierstoffeonline-blog · 6 years ago
Castrol R 40
Castrol R 40 Is a castor-based lubricant containing specially prepared additive For highly stressed engines.
  Description  -
  Castrol R40 is a castor-based lubricant containing specially prepared additives to prevent rapid deterioration through oxidation. Its superior oiliness over mineral oils, imparted by the chemical structure of its components, gives it a great affinity for hot surfaces and provides excellent load-carrying properties which is an important consideration with highly stressed engines running at peak revolutions.
  Application  -
  Recommended for highly stressed engines running at peak revolutions. Also recommended for classic motorcycles. Where special cam shafts are fitted though, there may be a case for using Castrol R40 as the small areas in contact will be heavily loaded especially where double valve springs are fitted.
  Advantages  -
  ·         Suitable for both four and two stroke racing engines
·         Specially formulated for racing car and bike engines
·         Provides outstanding lubricity and load carrying capacity
   Looking for any other schmierstoffe product in CASTROL ENGINE OIL & LUBRICANTS or other Lubricant ? Just give us a call.
   Source URL -
Contact No: +49 8106 3978728
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worldofbaen · 8 years ago
Watch my new post " Test: Alcina Skin Manager " on World of Baen - Whats your meaning? - BE INDIVIDUAL BE UNIQUE - http://worldofbaen.com/de/kosmetik/test-alcina-skin-manager/ #AHA, #Alcina, #Fruchtsäure, #Glycol, #Glycolic, #Glykolsäure, #Skin_Manager
Watch my brand new Post on http://worldofbaen.com/de/kosmetik/test-alcina-skin-manager/
Test: Alcina Skin Manager
Test: Alcina Skin Manager
Vor einigen Tage entdeckte ich einen neuen Toner in der Drogerie. Einen Toner, der nach genauerer Betrachtung sehr wirksame und vielversprechende Inhaltsstoffe beherbergte. Die Rede ist vom Alcina SKIN Manager (AHA Effekt-Tonic). Ich persönlich habe die Marke Alcina noch nie wirklich benutzt, da die Marke, glaube ich, nicht direkt im Handel zu erwerben ist (falls jemand etwas anderes weiß, dann darf er mich an dieser Stelle sehr gerne berichtigen).
Du willst zum Produkt? Klick auf das Bild.
Alcina Skin Manager Toner mit der Power 2'er Fruchtsäuren
Zu den Inhaltsstoffen (Quelle: Codecheck) Aqua, Glycolic Acid, Glycerin, Trideceth-9, Sodium Hydroxide, PEG-5 Ethylhexanoate, Zinc PCA, PEG-40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Parfum, Disodium EDTA, Sodium Benzoate, Virtus Paradiso Fruit Extract, Propylene Gylcol, Citric Acid, Hexyl Cinnamal, Limonene Wirkstoffe die ich an dieser Stelle sehr empfehlenswert und gut empfinde sind fett gekennzeichnet.
Empfohlene Inhaltsstoffe des Alcina Skin Manager Toner
Glycolic Acid: Dies ist letztendlich eine Fruchtsäure die in den tiefen der Haut wirkt und arbeitet. Sie sorgt dafür, dass die Talkproduktion ins Gleichgewicht kommt und abgestorbene Hautzellen entfernt werden. Wichtiges zu Fruchtsäuren findet ihr in einem PDF, dass ich im Internet gefunden habe. Zinc PCA: Wirkt antibakteriell und bringt die Talkproduktion ins Gleichgewicht. Außerdem hat es meiner Meinung nach eine mattierende Wirkung (durch das neue Gleichgewicht der Haut). Citric Acid: Dies ist die Säure der Zitrone. Da diese auch eine Fruchtsäure ist, hat sie genauso wie die Glycolic Acid Säure eine peelende und klärende Wirkung. Zu beachten ist jedoch das die Glycolic Acid Säure durch kleinere Moleküle tiefer in die Haut eindringend kann.
Vorteile des Alcina Skin Manager Toners
Die peelende Wirkung der Fruchtsäuren hält die Haut rein. Dadurch erhält man ein gesundes, frisches und verfeinertes Hautbild.
Fältchen wird durch die peelende Wirkung der Fruchtsäuren effektiv vorgebeugt, da sich die Haut ständig am regenerieren ist.
Vergrößerte Poren werden auch, wie kann es anders sein, durch die Fruchtsäuren verkleinert.
Möchte man generell seine Haut öfter peelen, so stellt ein Produkt mit Fruchtsäuren eine wirksame alternative gegenüber mechanischen Peelings (Peelings die kleine Peelingkörner beinhalten) dar. Mechanische Peelings greifen die Haut an und reizen diese unnötig. Chemische Peelings (Fruchtsäuren) sind wesentlich sanfter und effektiver.
Andere AHA Tonic's:
RAU AHA Tonic Hildegard Braukmann Tonic
Meine Video Empfehlung zum Alcina Skin Manager
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bristarlight · 2 years ago
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My OC Castor Fett makes a living out of getting himself - and Paz by proxy - in trouble with the ISB making Jango or one of his brothers bail him out.
From my Darkbloom Verse
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bristarlight · 2 years ago
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I'm absolutely obsessed with Paz Vizsla and my OC Castor Fett from my fic Darkbloom. Will I ever get over it? Probably not
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bristarlight · 2 years ago
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Castor Fett. The youngest of seven of Din and Jango's children through Project Darkbloom. He's wild and reckless, always seeking attention, and has inhuman and unnatural speed.
OC for upcoming JangoDin fic Darkboom
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